August 1, 2024

Article by : Head To Heart Team

August 1, 2024

Article by : Head To Heart Team

August 1, 2024

Article by : Head To Heart Team

Christian therapy can help transform your life too.

head to heart restoration ministry article on christian therapy image of a happy man

Two years ago, Bill (not his real name) lost a job he had enjoyed doing for twelve years. Five months on, he had spent his small severance package, and the pressure to find work was overwhelming.

Then one friend referred him to a Christian therapist.

As we follow Bill’s journey, we’ll see what an impact this had on the outcome.

The Sole Income Earner

Bill was in his early forties, and he was let go with his entire department as one of the cost cuts large corporations employ. He had to find a new job quickly because as the sole income earner, his wife and two young children relied on his income.
Friends jumped in to help with his resume and his LinkedIn page, but he started driving for rideshare companies to at least cover some of the mounting bills while he kept applying for jobs.

Weeks passed. Emotions became frayed at home. Bill’s wife hadn’t worked for many years, and they both felt shame over their situation. Even at church, they couldn’t engage in quite the same way with friends who weren’t in the same position. Other Christian clients often face similar struggles, and faith-based support can be crucial in helping them navigate these challenges.

head to heart restoration ministry article on christian therapy image of a happy man

Christian therapy can help transform your life too.

Two years ago, Bill (not his real name) lost a job he had enjoyed doing for twelve years. Five months on, he had spent his small severance package, and the pressure to find work was overwhelming.

Then one friend referred him to a Christian therapist.

As we follow Bill’s journey, we’ll see what an impact this had on the outcome.

The Sole Income Earner

Bill was in his early forties, and he was let go with his entire department as one of the cost cuts large corporations employ. He had to find a new job quickly because as the sole income earner, his wife and two young children relied on his income.
Friends jumped in to help with his resume and his LinkedIn page, but he started driving for rideshare companies to at least cover some of the mounting bills while he kept applying for jobs.

Weeks passed. Emotions became frayed at home. Bill’s wife hadn’t worked for many years, and they both felt shame over their situation. Even at church, they couldn’t engage in quite the same way with friends who weren’t in the same position. Other Christian clients often face similar struggles, and faith-based support can be crucial in helping them navigate these challenges.

head to heart restoration ministry article on christian therapy image of a happy man

Christian therapy can help transform your life too.

Two years ago, Bill (not his real name) lost a job he had enjoyed doing for twelve years. Five months on, he had spent his small severance package, and the pressure to find work was overwhelming.

Then one friend referred him to a Christian therapist.

As we follow Bill’s journey, we’ll see what an impact this had on the outcome.

The Sole Income Earner

Bill was in his early forties, and he was let go with his entire department as one of the cost cuts large corporations employ. He had to find a new job quickly because as the sole income earner, his wife and two young children relied on his income.

Friends jumped in to help with his resume and his LinkedIn page, but he started driving for rideshare companies to at least cover some of the mounting bills while he kept applying for jobs.

Weeks passed. Emotions became frayed at home. Bill’s wife hadn’t worked for many years, and they both felt shame over their situation. Even at church, they couldn’t engage in quite the same way with friends who weren’t in the same position. Other Christian clients often face similar struggles, and faith-based support can be crucial in helping them navigate these challenges.

The Essence of Compassion

Simply the thought of finding the strength to begin again can be exhausting. When a marriage or relationship ends, it’s not as easy as each of you going your separate way; the two of you have become one, and when you part, it feels as if the fabric of your existence is being ripped to the point of never feeling whole again.

The mental chaos can be overwhelming, yet here you are ready to make your next move toward heart health, and we applaud your determination to move forward.

head to heart restoration ministry article image of a confused man
head to heart restoration ministry article image of a confused man
head to heart restoration ministry article image of a confused man

A Friend’s Recommendation

That’s when Bill’s friend recommended that he book a session with Head to Heart in Round Rock.

Bill wasn’t sure about how a counselor could help him find a job, but when his wife heard that Heart to Heart’s counseling is charged on a sliding scale basis, she encouraged him to at least try one session. Bill still wasn’t sure, feeling that he had failed in some way by needing a counselor’s help, but in the back of his mind, he knew others had found relief for their stress by talking with a wise and unbiased listener. The idea of biblical counseling, which provides insight into personal challenges through a Christ-centered approach, also intrigued him.

As one client has said:

I’m truly excited for anyone who has the privilege of working with Tom. His encouragement and guidance are a breath of fresh air that comes straight form the Lord.

The Journey

Bill came to see us for the first of many chats. In the first session, he told us what was going on in his mind and at home and about how overwhelming his feelings of failure were.

Our chief goal was to help Bill find greater emotional and spiritual health, which he agreed with, and we discovered together what makes him tick, how he approaches life, and how he responds to struggles. This gave us a clear roadmap regarding what Bill would be best equipped with as he sought employment, and it helped him recognize his strengths and weaknesses while on this path. The counseling process was aligned with Bill’s Christian beliefs, ensuring that his faith was an integral part of his healing journey.

Over the next few weeks, Bill began to reconnect with the God he felt had abandoned him, and the comfort and compassion of God changed his outlook.

Bill’s wife noticed the transformation, saying that his can-do attitude eventually led to a better atmosphere at home. She didn’t feel as “blocked out” of their relationship, and they both felt a bit more hopeful about the future.

He Persisted

Bill’s weeks of counseling were not always a walk in the park. The counseling process was complex and sensitive, and sometimes he struggled to forgive himself. His self-doubt at times made it hard for him to believe he would ever find work. His financial difficulties continued, and in the end, his wife started driving for the same rideshare companies during the hours he wasn’t. This started his feeling of guilt all over again.

By hardly ever being together just so they could survive financially, their lack of connection made things even harder, but Bill kept coming to see us.

Jill Houghton has been monumental in my progression of personal growth and development. … This has led to much more healthy fulfilling relationships; and relationships that would not exist today without her active participation, mentorship, and guidance.

— J.M., Combat Veteran

Bill’s home group supported him in many ways by meeting him for coffee, praying for him on Sundays and during the week, offering childcare so they could have a date night, and referring him for job opportunities. One Sunday, they even presented him with enough grocery vouchers to last for weeks.

Bill needed prayer for that too. 😊

head to heart restoration ministry article image of a man looking up
head to heart restoration ministry article image of a man looking up
head to heart restoration ministry article image of a man looking up

Surprised by the Grace of Pastoral Counseling

One of the things that has surprised Bill is how his counseling has done so much more than just helped him with the emotional fallout from losing a job. Bill’s Christian faith was strengthened through the counseling sessions. He has never felt closer to God, and the compassion he felt from his counselor was consistent and never judgmental.

Bill was able to let go of some bitterness from a broken friendship, face some past decisions he made with self-forgiveness, and he even says the communication tools he learned have helped him considerably in his marriage and during job interviews.

A Better Life through Christian Faith

Fortunately, Bill now has a new job that even has better pay and benefits than his last one. Christian values played a significant role in his recovery and new job success. He is still learning the ropes, but he says he could not have made it through the lean months without having his counselor at his side helping him with his perspective, his emotional responses, and his focus on God.

That one small decision to schedule a counseling session has changed his life in many ways for the better.

head to heart restoration ministry article image of a man in a cave
head to heart restoration ministry article image of a man in a cave
head to heart restoration ministry article image of a man in a cave

Christian Counseling Service in Round Rock or Online

If you are facing a storm right now, or you in in the midst of one, you might feel like Bill used to—stressed, ashamed, depressed. It is important to understand the difference between Christian counseling and secular counseling, as healthcare providers, regardless of their personal beliefs, aim to offer support tailored to your specific needs and beliefs.

You can make the same decision Bill did and book three sessions with Head to Heart, either in person in our Round Rock office or online. Your life could change for the better in multiple ways because of it.

Book your introductory session, either in-office in Round Rock, Texas, or by video, with one of Head to Heart’s pastoral counselors. By working with a professional, you can find peace in the midst of the storm and navigate your way through to a more empowered life.