Head to Heart Sponsors
Would you like to become a Head to Heart sponsor?
Head to Heart Sponsors
Head to Heart Sponsors
Would you like to become a Head to Heart sponsor?
You can help Head to Heart Restoration Ministry provide Christ centered counseling to others through your generous donations. Your support helps us continue to offer services regardless of an individual’s ability to pay.
Sponsorship Levels
You can help Head to Heart Restoration Ministry provide Christ centered counseling to others through your generous donations. Your support helps us continue to offer services regardless of an individual’s ability to pay.
Sponsorship Levels
Wall of Gratitude
Wall of Gratitude
Wall of Gratitude
Wall of Gratitude
Wall of Gratitude
Wall of Gratitude
Wall of Gratitude
Wall of Gratitude
Wall of Gratitude

Platinum Sponsors
($1500.00 and up)
Clint and Pam Basey
Tom and Kim Coker
Colby Leigh Cotton
Chris and Chrissy Dean
Alan Ehrlich
Jill Houghton
Al Jones
The Karis Group
Scott Kopas
Rachel MacIntyre
Steve and Tonna Marcyes
Lisa Mitchener
Sisco D Ranch
Mark Turk
Todd and Patricia Werner
Andy White (On Time Geotechnical)
Dawn White
Startup Creatives

Gold Sponsors
Mitch Anderson
Michelle Deal

Sliver Sponsor
Trisha Brock

Bronze Sponsor
Mary Ann Murry
Karen Withers

Platinum Sponsors
($1500.00 and up)g
Clint and Pam Basey
Tom and Kim Coker
Colby Leigh Cotton
Chris and Chrissy Dean
Alan Ehrlich
Jill Houghton
Al Jones
The Karis Group
Scott Kopas
Rachel MacIntyre
Steve and Tonna Marcyes
Lisa Mitchener
Sisco D Ranch
Mark Turk
Todd and Patricia Werner
Andy White (On Time Geotechnical)
Dawn White
Startup Creatives

Gold Sponsors
Mitch Anderson
Michelle Deal

Sliver Sponsor
Trisha Brock

Bronze Sponsor
Mary Ann Murry
Karen Withers

Platinum Sponsors
($1500.00 and up)
Clint and Pam Basey
Tom and Kim Coker
Colby Leigh Cotton
Chris and Chrissy Dean
Alan Ehrlich
Jill Houghton
Al Jones
The Karis Group
Scott Kopas
Rachel MacIntyre
Steve and Tonna Marcyes
Lisa Mitchener
Sisco D Ranch
Mark Turk
Todd and Patricia Werner
Andy White (On Time Geotechnical)
Dawn White
Startup Creatives

Gold Sponsors
Mitch Anderson
Michelle Deal

Sliver Sponsor
Trisha Brock

Bronze Sponsor
Mary Ann Murry
Karen Withers